#GivingTuesday is not only a day meant to foster charitable giving, but to encourage active conversation between brands and companies in the nonprofit landscape (and even for-profit) on the most pressing topics of the day.

These topics include: the growing role of technology for nonprofits, and our social responsibility as both individual consumer and brand. Browse below for a fuller snapshot of our movement in a few key conversations.

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Growth of Philanthropy Through Digital Media

All of #GivingTuesday's schedule was packed with important conversation, drawing in advocates from all around the world. A favorite discussion was a Google+ Hangout on the facilitation of philanthropy through today's technology and social media. Key takeaways on how digital media has changed everything for nonprofit communications:

1. Leveled the playing field for everyone. Social media is a tool of democratization, a resource that allows small brands to share the spotlight with bigger brands, in terms of "air time".

2. Fosters two-way dialogue. In the past, the dialogue was more of a standard one-way channel for nonprofit activities: advocacy, fundraising, and awareness-raising. Social media has made it possible to include donors as part of the conversation, and provide an opportunity to co-advocate, co-create, and to share personal stories.

3. With shrinking distance, comes increased responsibility. The more accessible a brand becomes to a donor or supporter, the more emphasis there is on values of transparency and authenticity, and to adhere to the unspoken pact of trust.

4. Leading a seismic change in giving behavior. Digital media has made it possible for an event like #GivingTuesday, originally committed to social media channels only, to slide into the "real world" - as in this year, with a seen increase in offline promotion and awareness. Technology, then, has helped to normalize and decrease the "friction" of taking action.

5. Lastly, a tool, not an ends in and of itself. Technology should be integrated into and prioritized within nonprofit communications as one channel of many, not the be-all, end-all. It's easy to become overtaken by the complexity and trends of social media, but at the end of the day, the importance is on conveying the cause in a compelling way that inspires action.

+SocialGood Chat on Conscious Consumerism

Another important conversation on #GivingTuesday was that of conscious consumerism: how does one make sure to honor sustainability and values as a practice, not from a brand's perspective, but as a purchaser? We joined +SocialGood and Conscious Step in the #GivingTuesday hashtag discussion.