On September 18 – 24 we’ll observe National Diaper Need Awareness Week, an effort initiated by the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) to shed light on the cause and offer assistance to families suffering from diaper need. 

The NDBN's most recent survey on diaper need released in June 2023 revealed a startling increase in diaper need with 47% of responders, or roughly 1 in 2 families in the U.S., reporting that they struggle to afford the diapers they need for their babies and toddlers. Inflation has forced many parents to prioritize things like paying for rent, utilities and food over purchasing diapers – which have seen a 32% price increase since 2019. Diapers are expensive and cannot typically be purchased with government assistance programs and funding. And working parents already struggling to get by have reported missing an average of 5 days a month of work because they lack the diapers required to drop off children at day care resulting in less income for the family and contributing to the cycle of poverty. 

Experts recognize diapers as a basic need. According to a report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, diapers “are the first line of defense against infection and disease — and are even linked to preventing depression and violence.” This is supported by the recent survey results that showed 70% of parents facing diaper need experienced stress and anxiety about parenting. 

Below are some ways to show your support during National Diaper Need Awareness Week:

1. Spread awareness: The issue of diaper need is not one that is in the forefront of the news. Social media has made it so easy to educate and raise awareness. Consider sharing some of the National Diaper Bank Network’s latest statistics as shown in the above infographic or visit their website for a listing of the major findings from The NDBN Diaper Check 2023: Diaper Insecurity among U.S. Children and Families. And, remember to use the hashtags #DiaperNeed, #EndDiaperNeed and #BasicsArentBasic when posting on social media.

2. Run a diaper drive: Help provide diapers to parents in your own community by hosting a diaper drive. Search the NDBN’s member directory here to find a member location near you and reach out regarding logistics. Or, host a virtual diaper drive on YouGiveGoods free giving platform.  Support any local nonprofit by raising diapers, wipes, and ointment for your neighbors in need. Online drives are easy to share via email and social media and all the logistics are handled for you! 

3. Donate diapers: In honor of National Diaper Need Awareness Week, pick up a box of diapers during your next grocery trip and bring it to a local diaper bank or area nonprofit. Or donate diapers online through a current YouGiveGoods diaper drive:

Mom's Helping Mom's Foundation (NJ)

The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network) (NY)

4. Donate cash: A cash donation to your local diaper bank or to the National Diaper Bank Network goes a long way to helping these organization meet their end goal of ending diaper need in the United States.

Your efforts during National Diaper Need Awareness Week and beyond help to strengthen our communities by ensuring all families have access to the diapers they need for their child’s health and well-being.