Items Product
72 (100ct) packages of college ruled filler paper
92 (100ct) packages of index cards
108 (100ct) packages of wide ruled filler paper
4 (10ct) boxes of Crayola thick markers
8 (12ct) boxes of Bic .7mm mechanical pencils
42 (12ct) boxes of Bic black stic pens
40 (12ct) boxes of Bic red stic pens
34 (12ct) boxes of Colorations colored pencils
2 (12ct) boxes of Crayola colored pencils
100 (12ct) packages of pencils
130 (18-inch) backpacks
2 (20ct) boxes of gallon zip bags
16 (20ct) buckets of sidewalk chalk
28 (24ct) boxes of Colorations crayons
80 (35ct) tubs of Cleancut disinfectant wipes
80 (4ct) packages of dry erase markers
44 (4ct) packages of highlighters
5 (4ct) packages of Paper Mate flair pens
27 (4ct) packages of sticky notes
56 (50ct) packages of construction paper
72 (6ct) packages of pencil cap erasers
8 (8ct) boxes of Colorations fine tip markers
60 (8ct) boxes of Colorations large crayons
6 (8ct) boxes of Crayola large crayons
4 (8GB) flash drives
84 beginner pencils
6 bottles of Elmer's school glue
80 boxes of facial tissues
72 college ruled composition notebooks
72 college ruled one-subject notebooks
92 Colorations glue sticks
84 Colorations watercolor paint sets
32 compasses
74 composition notebooks
8 earbuds
92 Elementary School Supplies Kits
64 graph paper notepads
27 Kindergarten School Supplies Kits
59 Middle/High School Supplies Kits
42 packages of 5-tab binder dividers
24 pairs of blunt scissors
8 pairs of sharp scissors
24 pencil bags
12 pencil boxes
24 pencil sharpeners
96 pink erasers
72 protractors
72 rulers
10 Sentry CA656 scientific calculators
5 stainless steel water bottles
2 staplers
112 two-pocket poly folders
28 vinyl 1.5 inch binders
40 whiteboard erasers
174 wide ruled 1-subject notebooks
27 Youth Hygiene Kits