Items Product
6 (16ct) packages of Always Infinity pads
24 (1lb) bags of Mandalay rice
4 (2lb) bags of brown rice
3 (35ct) tubs of Cleancut disinfectant wipes
12 (3ct) packages of Ivory soap bars
4 (40ct) boxes of Tampax tampons
3 (54ct) boxes of Luvs size 6 diapers
6 (66ct) boxes of Luvs size 5 diapers
3 (76ct) boxes of Luvs size 4 diapers
1 (92ct) boxes of Luvs size 3 diapers
12 bottles of Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo
6 bottles of VO5 conditioner
6 bottles of VO5 shampoo
18 bottles of White Rain body wash
8 boxes of Best Yet toasted oats cereal
4 boxes of corn flakes
112 boxes of elbow pasta
4 boxes of raisin bran
4 boxes of Ziplock quart-size storage bags
6 boxes of Ziplock sandwich bags
4 cans of Best Yet Chunky Chicken soup
134 cans of black beans
12 cans of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs
12 cans of chicken and rice soup
140 cans of mixed vegetables
30 cans of sliced carrots
30 cans of Swanson Chicken
120 cans of tomato sauce
170 cans of tuna
12 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
1 Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli cups
1 Chef Boyardee Beef-A-Roni cups
1 Chef Boyardee Lasagna cups
1 Chef Boyardee Rice Chicken Vegetable cups
1 Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatball cups
142 Dole fruit cups
18 sticks of Sure deodorant
30 tissue packs
8 toothbrushes
18 tubes of Aim toothpaste