Items Product
4 bottles of Welch's grape jelly
4 boxes of corn flakes
48 boxes of elbow pasta
12 boxes of mac and cheese
16 boxes of raisin bran
12 cans of Best Yet peaches
61 cans of black beans
30 cans of chicken
58 cans of mixed vegetables
48 cans of tomato sauce
58 cans of tuna
3 Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli cups
3 Chef Boyardee Beef-A-Roni cups
3 Chef Boyardee Lasagna cups
80 Chef Boyardee microwavable cups
3 Chef Boyardee Rice Chicken Vegetable cups
3 Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatball cups
152 Dole fruit cups
18 jars of peanut butter
10 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti