Items Product
20 (1 lb) packages of pasta
96 (1lb) bags of white rice
120 bottles of Freshscent body lotion
30 bottles of VO5 shampoo
24 bottles of Welch's grape jelly
42 bottles of White Rain body wash
20 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese
60 boxes of whole wheat penne pasta
18 cans of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs
24 cans of chicken and rice soup
4 cans of Hormel Chili
26 cans of Hormel chili
66 cans of Hunt's pasta sauce
74 cans of tuna
18 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
8 college ruled notebooks
104 Dole fruit cups
68 jars of peanut butter
10 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti