Items Product
102 college ruled notebooks
132 (100ct) packages of index cards
138 (110ct) boxes of Scotties facial tissues
199 (12ct) boxes of BIC black pens
8 (12ct) boxes of Crayola colored pencils
296 (12ct) packages of pencils
67 (4ct) packages of dry erase markers
24 (4ct) packages of highlighters
102 (4ct) packages of highlighters
4 (8ct) packages of Crayola washable broad tip markers
56 1-subject wide ruled notebooks
15 backpacks
126 binders (1-inch)
12 boxes of BIC red pens
12 boxes of Crayola crayons
88 college ruled notebooks
48 composition notebooks
96 Elmer's glue sticks
72 erasers
864 folders
102 packages of college ruled filler paper
5 packages of construction paper
463 packages of wide ruled filler paper
56 pairs of safety scissors
32 pencil bags
84 pencil sharpeners
96 rulers
304 School Supplies Kits
90 tissue packs