Items Product
36 (18ct) boxes of Quaker granola bars
176 (1lb) bags of white rice
84 bottles of strawberry jelly
60 bottles of Welch's grape jelly
174 boxes of Barilla whole grain spaghetti
204 boxes of Best Yet toasted oats cereal
210 boxes of elbow pasta
232 boxes of Hungry Jack mashed potatoes
110 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese
210 boxes of penne pasta
162 cans of Best Yet chicken
244 cans of Best Yet Chunky Chicken soup
36 cans of Best Yet corn
136 cans of Best Yet green beans
372 cans of black beans
318 cans of Hunt's pasta sauce
80 cans of mixed vegetables
144 cans of mixed vegetables
24 cans of sliced carrots
144 cans of Starkist tuna
176 cans of tuna
324 Dole fruit cups
16 jars of peanut butter
140 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti