Items Product
12 (1lb) bags of Best Yet white rice
8 (1lb) bags of white rice
4 (2lb) bags of brown rice
4 (2lb) boxes of Barilla spaghetti
12 bags of Best Yet brown rice
8 bottles of strawberry jelly
24 boxes of Barilla whole grain spaghetti
12 boxes of Best Yet toasted oats cereal
10 boxes of elbow pasta
20 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese
34 boxes of MAYPO Quick Oats
10 boxes of penne pasta
18 can of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli
8 cans of Best Yet green beans
3 cans of black beans
12 cans of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs
32 cans of chunk white tuna
12 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
6 cans of green beans
8 cans of Hormel chili
18 cans of Hunt's pasta sauce
6 cans of Hunts pasta sauce
2 cans of Maxwell House coffee
8 cans of mixed vegetables
24 cans of tuna
6 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
24 Dole fruit cups
6 jars of crunchy peanut butter
46 jars of peanut butter