Items Product
116 (1lb) bags of Best Yet white rice
5 (20lb) sweet potatoes
2 (22lb) cases of zucchini
8 (2lb) bags of brown rice
10 (2lb) boxes of Barilla spaghetti
2 (40lb ) cases of red apples
4 (50lb) case of Russet potatoes
1 (50lb) cases of yellow onions
54 bottles of VO5 shampoo
8 bottles of Welch's grape jelly
54 bottles of White Rain body wash
12 boxes of Best Yet toasted oats cereal
10 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese
184 boxes of MAYPO Quick Oats
36 cans of Best Yet chicken
12 cans of Best Yet Chunky Chicken soup
18 cans of Best Yet peas
12 cans of black beans
87 cans of black beans
12 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
6 cans of green beans
8 cans of Hormel chili
4 cans of Maxwell House coffee
12 cans of Planters peanuts
6 cans of tuna
6 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
128 jars of peanut butter
36 toothbrushes
45 tubes of Aim toothpaste