Items Product
2 (18ct) boxes of Quaker granola bars
36 (1lb) bags of baby carrots
23 (1lb) containers of fresh strawberries
12 boxes of Best Yet mac & cheese
4 boxes of Best Yet raisin bran cereal
24 cans of Best Yet black beans
24 cans of Best Yet chicken
8 cans of Best Yet Chunky Chicken soup
24 cans of Best Yet Chunky Mixed Fruit
24 cans of Best Yet green beans
6 cans of Best Yet peas
24 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
8 cans of Starkist tuna
18 heads of iceberg lettuce
24 jars of Best Yet peanut butter
8 jars of crunchy peanut butter
30 lb broccoli
55 lb oranges
55 lb red apples
20 lb Russet potatoes
20 lb Sweet Potatoes
10 lb yellow onions
25 lb zucchini
40 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti