Items Product
8 (1lb) bags of Best Yet white rice
16 (2lb) bags of Best Yet brown rice
18 bottles of Smuckers grape jelly
24 boxes of Best Yet mac & cheese
8 boxes of Best Yet toasted oats cereal
12 boxes of MAYPO Quick Oats
96 cans of Best Yet black beans
200 cans of Best Yet chicken
166 cans of Best Yet Chunky Mixed Fruit
22 cans of Best Yet green beans
80 cans of Best Yet mixed vegetables
156 cans of Best Yet peas
24 cans of black beans
200 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
176 cans of Starkist tuna
24 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
198 jars of Best Yet peanut butter
221 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti