Items Product
2 (12ct) packages of Best Yet bath tissue rolls
12 (7ct) boxes of Folgers Single Serve Packets
18 (8ct) packs of Keebler Club and Cheddar Sandwich Crackers
16 bags of Jack Link's beef jerky
15 bottles of Dove body wash
4 bottles of Suave body lotion
6 bottles of VO5 Island Coconut shampoo
6 cans of Best Yet Chunky Mixed Fruit
4 cans of Healthy Choice Chicken Noodle soup
48 Imperial Nuts Power Blend Packs
12 jars of Best Yet peanut butter
4 Jeopardy! card games
12 sticks of Lady Speed Stick Deodorant
6 tubes of Aim toothpaste
4 Uno Card Games