Items Product
4 (14ct) packages of U by Kotex Security Overnight Maxi Pads
4 (6ct) packages of adult socks
11 (6ct) packages of Reach toothbrushes
2 adult size large winter coats
2 adult size medium winter coats
2 adult size S winter coats
2 adult size Xlarge winter coats
6 adult winter hats
8 bottles of Dove body wash
12 bottles of Vaseline hand and body Lotion
26 bottles of VO5 Island Coconut shampoo
12 Men's Hygiene Kits
24 pairs of adult knit gloves
8 polar fleece scarves
3 St Moritz bath towels - white
6 sticks of Lady Speed Stick Deodorant
6 sticks of Speed Stick Deodorant
23 tubes of Aim toothpaste
14 Women's hygiene kits