Items Product
42 (72ct) packages of baby wipes
18 bags of Benzel's Thin Pretzels
200 Bobo's Strawberry Stuff'd Oat Bites
15 bottles of Johnson's baby lotion
15 bottles of Johnson's baby powder
30 bottles of Vaseline hand and body Lotion
72 bottles of Welch's grape jelly
36 boxes of Best Yet raisin bran cereal
24 boxes of Best Yet toasted oats cereal
24 cans of Healthy Choice Chicken Noodle soup
132 jars of Best Yet peanut butter
44 sticks of Lady Speed Stick Deodorant
48 sticks of Speed Stick Deodorant
102 tubes of Aim toothpaste
17 tubes of Desitin diaper rash cream
22 twin blankets