Items Product
23 12-inch rulers
153 backpacks
23 binders
20 binders
3 bottles of hand sanitizer
139 boxes of colored pencils
10 boxes of colored pencils
15 boxes of Crayola crayons
23 boxes of crayons
5 boxes of facial tissues
6 boxes of pens
139 boxes of pens
23 composition notebook
15 composition notebooks
6 dry erase markers
20 erasers
208 erasers
72 folders
648 folders
24 glue sticks
69 glue sticks
8 one subject notebooks
370 one subject notebooks
23 packs of highlighters
8 packs of index cards
23 packs of markers
6 packs of markers
139 packs of notebook paper
6 packs of notebook paper
139 packs of pencils
23 pairs of safety scissors
20 pencil pouches
116 pencil sharpeners
10 safety scissors
2 scientific calculators
10 ten-count packs of pencils