Items Product
468 bags of brown rice
468 bags of dry black beans
300 bags of pasta
300 bags of rice
224 bottles of apple juice
240 boxes of corn muffin mix
462 boxes of instant pudding
222 boxes of mashed potatoes
132 boxes of raisin bran cereal
450 boxes of shelf stable milk
222 boxes of stuffing
246 boxes of toasted oats cereal
340 boxes of whole grain Pasta
324 canisters of oatmeal
216 cans of beans
84 cans of canned salmon
450 cans of chicken broth
240 cans of corn
444 cans of cranberry sauce
1200 cans of fruit
228 cans of green beans
240 cans of peas
164 cans of ready-serve beef stew
258 cans of spaghetti sauce
816 cans of tuna
456 cans of turkey gravy
600 cans of vegetables
456 cans of yams
232 jars of applesauce
231 jars of peanut butter
228 yellow Cake Mixes