Items Product
30 bags of brown rice
60 bags of dry black beans
40 bags of pasta
1770 bags of rice
5 Battleship games
156 boxes of mac and cheese
9 boxes of granola bars
54 boxes of toasted oats cereal
65 boxes of whole grain Pasta
54 canisters of oatmeal
84 cans of beans
24 cans of canned salmon
72 cans of fruit
2040 cans of fruit
156 cans of healthy, ready-serve soup
66 cans of spaghetti sauce
1552 cans of tuna
2196 cans of vegetables
1 Climate Cubes kits
8 Cranium boardgames
7 Despicable Me Operation games
4 Eco Craft kits
2 Frozen Pop-up Magic games
12 fruit cups
9 fuzzy posters
19 Hot Wheels track sets
114 jars of peanut butter
5 Littlest Pet Shop playsets
13 Mind Blowing Science kits
4 My First Farm soft books
2 Nerf N-Sports - Flag Football sets
5 official size basketballs
7 official-size footballs
3 Play-Doh - Sweet Shoppe Cupcake Tower Playsets
1 Play-doh Diggin Rigs Playsets
14 Playskool form fitter toys
2 Seasame Street Smartphones
21 soccer balls
4 Transformer Rescue Bot
2 Trivial Pursuit Marvel Cinematic Universe games