Items Product
5 1-lb bags of peeled baby carrots
270 bags of brown rice
20 bags of pasta
230 bags of rice
36 bottles of jelly
24 boxes of mac and cheese
12 boxes of Cheerios
90 boxes of mac & cheese
6 boxes of mashed potatoes
30 boxes of raisin bran cereal
4 boxes of sandwich cracker packages
48 boxes of shelf stable milk
12 boxes of stuffing
12 boxes of toasted oats cereal
220 boxes of whole grain Pasta
8 canisters of Quaker Oats
6 cans of canned salmon
42 cans of chicken
96 cans of chicken noodle soup
6 cans of chili
12 cans of corn
3 cans of cranberry sauce
204 cans of fruit
108 cans of fruit
234 cans of fruit in natural juices
6 cans of grean beans
24 cans of Healthy Choice soup
18 cans of healthy, ready-serve soup
20 cans of ready-serve beef stew
30 cans of spaghetti sauce
920 cans of tuna
6 cans of turkey gravy
240 cans of vegetables
18 individual cups of apple sauce
57 jars of peanut butter
40 juice boxes
12 snack-sized bags of Planters peanuts