Items Product
184 bag of brown rice
24 bags of dry black beans
40 bags of pasta
60 bags of rice
60 bottles of jelly
39 boxes of Cheerios
230 boxes of mac & cheese
24 boxes of raisin bran cereal
18 boxes of shelf stable milk
55 boxes of whole grain Pasta
2 canisters of Quaker Oats
132 cans of beans
24 cans of canned salmon
90 cans of chicken
120 cans of chicken noodle soup
54 cans of chili
36 cans of fruit
348 cans of fruit
120 cans of Healthy Choice soup
96 cans of ready-serve beef stew
48 cans of spaghetti sauce
512 cans of tuna
540 cans of vegetables
24 cans of yams
180 individual cups of apple sauce
231 jars of peanut butter