Items Product
5 10-lb bags of apples
6 5-lb bags of Russet potatoes
12 bags of dry black beans
16 bags of flour
180 bags of pasta
690 bags of rice
26 bags of sugar
9 bars of soap
30 bottles of jelly
12 bottles of shampoo
6 bottles of shampoo
24 boxes of Cheerios
15 boxes of granola bars
140 boxes of mac & cheese
6 boxes of raisin bran cereal
96 boxes of shelf stable milk
1 boxes of tampons
25 boxes of whole grain Pasta
12 canisters of salt
62 canisters of Quaker Oats
60 cans of beans
6 cans of chicken
132 cans of chicken noodle soup
6 cans of chili
12 cans of corn
600 cans of fruit
156 cans of fruit
6 cans of fruit
12 cans of green beans
72 cans of Healthy Choice soup
12 cans of orange juice
72 cans of spaghetti sauce
688 cans of tuna
6 cans of vegetables
768 cans of vegetables
9 cases of juice bags (40ct)
6 deodorant sticks
126 individual cups of apple sauce
51 jars of peanut butter
30 loaves of bread
12 packs of Ivory soap bars - 3ct
16 six-packs of raisins
3 sticks of deodorant
4 tubes of toothpaste