Items Product
22 (16ct) packages of Always Infinity pads
9 (3ct) packages of Hanes men's boxers
66 (3ct) packages of Ivory soap bars
18 (40ct) boxes of Tampax tampons
16 (4ct) packages of highlighters
20 binders
18 bottles of VO5 conditioner
174 bottles of VO5 shampoo
132 bottles of White Rain body wash
56 boxes of BIC blue pens
16 boxes of Crayola crayons
20 boxes of RoseArt colored pencils
8 cans of Chicken of the Sea tuna
18 cans of Hormel chicken
28 cans of Hormel chili
36 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
60 college-ruled notebooks
36 jars of Jif peanut butter
58 Northern Sport backpacks
96 notebooks
28 packages of Avery glue sticks
18 packages of college ruled notebook paper
40 packages of Dixon pencils
20 packages of E-Clips erasers
56 packages of folders
7 packages of Hanes mens t-shirts
10 packages of Hanes womens hipsters
12 packages of index cards
16 packages of notebook paper
16 packages of RoseArt markers
12 pencil pouches
12 rulers
4 six-packs of toothbrushes
81 sticks of Sure deodorant
81 tubes of Colgate toothpaste