Items Product
211 (1lb) bags of Best Yet white rice
16 (6ct) packages of Best Yet raisins
6 (8ct) boxes of Quaker granola bars
34 bottles of Smuckers grape jelly
4 boxes of Austin cheese crackers with cheddar
4 boxes of Austin cheese crackers with peanut butter
62 boxes of Carozzi spaghetti
43 boxes of General Mills Cheerios
22 boxes of Hungry Jack mashed potatoes
140 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese
29 canisters of Quaker quick oats
74 cans of Best Yet Chunky Mixed Fruit
54 cans of Best Yet corn
44 cans of Best Yet green beans
68 cans of Best Yet peaches
4 cans of Bumble Bee salmon
153 cans of Bush's black beans
129 cans of Bush's kidney beans
4 cans of Campbell's chicken noodle soup
222 cans of Chicken of the Sea tuna
24 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
80 cans of Dinty Moore beef stew
120 cans of Hormel chicken
84 cans of Hormel chili
6 cans of Hunt's pasta sauce
19 cans of Maxwell House coffee
48 cans of Progresso Italian meatball soup
86 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
104 jars of Jif peanut butter
20 packages of Dole fruit bowls
70 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti