Items Product
2 (48ct) packages of Luvs size diapers
86 bags of Best Yet brown rice
2 bags of Greenies dog treats
6 bags of Iams dog chunks
1 bags of Iams puppy chunks
52 bottles of Juicy Juice apple juice
20 bottles of Smuckers grape jelly
4 bottles of VO5 shampoo
4 bottles of White Rain body wash
220 boxes of Barilla whole grain spaghetti
63 boxes of General Mills Cheerios
48 boxes of Kellogg's raisin bran
3 boxes of Kellogs Raisin Bran
10 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese
3 boxes of Meaty Bones medium dog biscuits
32 canisters of Quaker quick oats
76 cans of Best Yet Chunky Mixed Fruit
266 cans of Best Yet green beans
330 cans of Best Yet peaches
33 cans of Bumble Bee salmon
70 cans of Bush's black beans
80 cans of Bush's kidney beans
503 cans of Chicken of the Sea tuna
256 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
355 cans of Hormel chicken
84 cans of Iams dog food
12 cans of Iams puppy food
28 cans of Progresso Italian meatball soup
249 cartons of Natrel shelf stable milk
235 jars of Jif peanut butter
6 sticks of Sure deodorant
6 tubes of Aim toothpaste