Help Support Our Local Communities In Honor of Ismenia's 38th Birthday - DONATE GOODS TODAY!
This month is what would’ve been our dearest Ismenia’s 38th birthday. In her memory, let’s come together and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Ismenia left this world a better place and we need to continue her legacy and make sure her good deeds aren’t forgotten.
Este mes hubiésemos celebrado el cumpleaños número 38 de nuestra querida Ismenia. Por favor ayudenos a darle de comer a los menos afortunados. Vamos a continuar el legado que Ismenia nos dejo y ayudar el projimo. Juntos podemos marcar la diferencia
Donating goods is easy! Click on SHOP NOW to purchase the goods you would like to donate. You will be emailed a tax receipt at the time of purchase. At the end of the drive all goods ordered online will be shipped directly to our charity partner.
Thank you! Your contributions will strengthen our community by helping others in need.
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